This is the official page of JEAR project

JEAR means 'JavaScrpt Extension and Application Repository' (right, certainly as the PEAR ;) )

The JEAR project is intended to collect all of common and powerfull Prototype-based classes and libraries in one place.

Capabilities of JEAR are:

1. Loading of the scripts "on the fly"

This is a main capability of JEAR project. It's true that dynamic loading is excess for page with only one script, but it is very sensitive for big projects with a big collection of js-includes. With JEAR there is no need to include all scripts inside each html page.

2. Easy usage

All that you need is to place only one script tag into your page:

<script src='[path/to/jear]loadjs.php' type='text/javascript'></script>

For more info, visit Usage page

3. Data deflating

All data are being transferred with the help of gzip (estimated compression ratio ~ 60-90%), so there is no need in various JS-packers. Actually, the difference between gzipped-non-packed and gzipped-packed files are ~20% (~5% of original file size), but some scripts (as prototype.js) cannot be packed and it's very hard to debug a packed files, so this plus can be neglected.

4. Common browsers support